About accommodations

If you have a documented disability or impairment recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Accessible Canada Act (ACA), you may request special accommodations to take the EPPP (Part 1–Knowledge) and the EPPP (Part 2–Skills) exams. Your licensing authority is responsible for the review and approval of your accommodation requests. If warranted, your licensing authority will collaborate with ASPPB for a final review and implementation planning.

Each licensing authority reviews its licensure Candidates’ accommodation requests and determines eligibility and approval (if warranted, in collaboration with ASPPB). To enter your request, during the EPPP registration process in the registration portal, you must check the “Special Accommodations” box.  Please ensure you select this option, as special accommodations cannot be added to your exam after you’ve scheduled it.

Review of accommodations requests

After you submit your request for special accommodations in the registration portal, you’ll receive an acknowledgement from the licensing authority where you intend to practice along with a request for supporting documentation. Your licensing board will review your request and issue an approval or denial through the EPPP Registration Portal (hosted by Certemy).

If your accommodations are  approved ,  Pearson | VUE will be notified of the details necessary to create an implementation plan (which may take approximately 10 to 15 business days). You can track the status of your request throughout the process using the EPPP Registration Portal.

You will not be able to schedule your EPPP exam until both the review process and the implementation plan have been completed.